Friday, December 20, 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Miss. Woo sends her apologizes for creating, but not publishing the blog yesterday. 

Learning Intentions for our Day...
  • In the morning we wrote our good copies of the Diamante poems in our visual journals. Miss. Woo kindly printed off pictures of us with our partners and we glued our picture with our poems. 
  • Each of us created a pattern snowflake using 3 different colour beads (blue, clear and white) today. We really enjoyed the activity and they turned out so beautifully!
  • In the afternoon we watched Dr. Seuss: The Grinch movie and did Christmas carolling in the Gym led by Peace Pod, Kindness Pod and Admin. We did a gratitude circle and shared what we were grateful for this week at school to end off the day.
Ask me about ... 
the highlight of my week. Let me share with you my favourite part of school this week and why. 

  • Today was the last day of classes before winter break. 
  • Wishing all our Families a wonderful holiday season and restful winter break! Merry Christmas! 
  • We look forward to welcoming your children back on January 7, 2020.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday December 18, 2019

Learning Intentions for our Day ... 

  • In the morning we did Christmas carolling in the Gym led by the AM Kindies, Harmony Pod and Joy Pod. We had a lot of fun! 
  • In Daily 5 we had our first word work 'check in' assessment in small groups today. 
  • Ms. Woo read "The Polar Express" book during snack before we did reading and writing in Daily 5. 
  • We started planning our pattern snowflakes in our Math journals. We will be using different colour beads to make our snowflakes tomorrow! 
Ask me about ... 
what we did in Math today. Let me share with you the pattern I created on my snowflake. 


  • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19
  • Last day of classes for students is Thursday, Dec 19th 
  • Tuesday, December 17, 2019

    Tuesday December 17, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day ... 
    • We had some catch up time this morning. Some of us worked on finishing our Inquiry reflection about waste and recycling yesterday and some of us  the rough copy of our shape poems.
    • During Daily 5 we started writing good copies of our cinquain poems and our poems about oranges in our visual journals. They are coming along very nicely! 
    • We watched the Christmas concert in the afternoon today and everyone did a fabulous job! It was an amazing performance. 
    Ask me about ... 
    the Christmas concert we watched in the afternoon. Let me share with you my favorite song or part in the concert. 

    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19
    • Evening Christmas Concert at 6:30 PM for choir members
    • Last day of classes for students is Thursday, Dec 19th 

    Monday, December 16, 2019

    Monday December 16, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day ... 
    • In Math, we did a number talk and played a few addition and subtraction math games in partners and groups of three. 
    • We learned how to write a concrete/shape poem in Writers' Workshop today! We got to choose our own topic and be creative with it using words that are nouns, verbs and adjectives. We enjoyed writing and sharing them with our class! 
    • Our teachers showed us pictures of plastics and landfills in Inquiry today. Then we did a reflection page in our visual journals about what we used to think about waste or recycling, what we know now (new learning, discoveries) and an action or a change we will make. Tomorrow we will continue with this activity.
    Ask me about ... 

    the topic I wrote about for my shape poem and why I chose it. 


    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19

    • In the spirit of giving this holiday season, all staff at Eric Harvie School would like to thank families for their thoughts and contributions! Thank you for making a family's Christmas a little brighter! 
    • We look forward to watching the Christmas Concert tomorrow! 

    Friday, December 13, 2019

    Friday December 13, 2019

    Learning intentions for our day: 

    • We took some time this morning to do some sketch noting (a way of note taking using words and images) to record new learnings from a video about recycling.  Research shows that when we write and draw, neural pathways are stimulated and we remember more.  
    • In Math, we finished up our work from yesterday.  As we finished, we played math games and even learned a few new ones.
    • What an incredible celebration of our Green Fool's experience today!  We have grown in confidence, skill and risk-taking.  Our Gratitude Circle reflected that this experience was something that students were very thankful for the past 2 weeks.  Huge appreciations to Parent Council for contributing!

    Ask me about: 

    why I chose to perform the skill I did today.  

    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19

    • Families Helping Families - Important!! - Items are due on Monday!!!
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.
      • Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Thursday December 12, 2019

    Learning intentions for our day: 

    • Many reading groups met today during Daily 5.  Some groups developed word decoding strategies, others discussed connecting to text while still others continued to consider how evidence can be used to support inferences and predictions.  Daily 5 time was also used to complete the many writing assignments students need to complete.
    • In Math, we worked on a pre-assessment of addition and subtraction.  The information gathered from this will be used to determine specific student learning needs in the new year.
    • Today was all about recycling in Inquiry!  We analyzed our recycling bin at school and gained an awareness of the importance of putting the right materials in the correct bin.  We were also introduced to the 5 R's:  Reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse and rethink.  
    Ask me about: 

    what I am most proud of during our Green Fool's Residency.  Be thinking about the skill you want to share with everyone tomorrow at the Celebration.

    • The Kindness Pod is looking for a few more volunteers to help out with the math/art activity for next week.  If you are able to help out this afternoon, tomorrow or Friday that would be greatly appreciated!  Please email directly if you can help out. Thank you so much for volunteering your time during this busy season
    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19

    • Green Fools Residency demonstration by students on Friday, December 13th.Families are invited to attend a class on Friday. There is a limit of two family members per student. 
      • Grade 3/4 classes will be in the Thunder Dome from 10:00 - 11:00 am; with families invited from 10:15 - 10:45 AM. 
      • We look forward to seeing you there!
    • Families Helping Families - Important!!
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.
      • Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:

    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Wednesday, Dec. 11

    Learning Intentions for our Day ... 
    • Today we learned how to write a Diamante' Poem!  We applied what we have learned about descriptive language to create a poem comparing two classmates.  
    • In Inquiry we sorted the remaining contents of our lunch kits to see what students had in the categories:  Garbage, Recycle, Compost and then shared in the big group. We discussed what was one change each student could make to reduce their "eco-footprint" with their lunch items.
    • In Math we are working on building fact fluency with addition facts to 18. Today we practiced through math games while teachers continued to do one-on-one assessments to see which mental math strategies each child uses.

    Ask me about ...
    what surprised you when we sorted the items from our lunch kids during Inquiry today?  What is one wonder that you have?

    the discussion we had today about using kind words and being patient with one another during this very busy time of year.
    The Kindness Pod is looking for a few more volunteers to help out with the math/art activity for next week.  If you are able to help out this afternoon, tomorrow or Friday that would be greatly appreciated!  
    Please email me directly at if you can help out and just let me know the time and the day.
    Thank you so much for volunteering your time during this busy season!

    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19

    • Green Fools Residency demonstration by students on Friday, December 13th.Families are invited to attend a class on Friday. There is a limit of two family members per student. 
      • Grade 3/4 classes will be in the Thunder Dome from 10:00 - 11:00 am; with families invited from 10:15 - 10:45 AM. 
      • We look forward to seeing you there!

    • Families Helping Families - Important!!
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.
      • Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:
        • Example: Harmony Pod Family G
                            6 Year old Girl #1

          All contributions will be due on or before as the presents will be picked on that date:

          Monday, December 16th, 2018

          In the spirit of giving this holiday season, all staff at Eric Harvie School would like to thank families in advance for their thoughts and contributions! Thank you for making a family’s Christmas a little brighter!!

          Please check off which items you are bringing in and focus on the children's needs on the list. 

    Tuesday Dec. 10

    Mrs. Zwack sends her apologies for creating, but not publishing the blog yesterday.

    Learning Intentions for our Day ... 
    • Today we worked on Daily 5 and learned two more activities that can help us practice our Word Work words at home.  Have your child show you "Find Other Words" and "Use the word in an Interesting Sentence"
    • In math the teachers wanted to see what students could do INDEPENDENTLY when making a graph.  We have worked on using tally marks, finding totals, setting up and labeling a bar graph, and accurately representing the data.  
    • In Inquiry today we celebrated the creative thinking of our students who designed their up cycling projects.  We set up our two spaces and took turns touring projects and asking questions to extend our learning.  We wrapped up with a short reflection in our visual journals.
    Ask me about ...
    What was the up-cycling project that inspired you  the most and why?  What might you have changed about your project?

    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19

    • Green Fools Residency demonstration by students on Friday, December 13th.Families are invited to attend a class on Friday. There is a limit of two family members per student. 
      • Grade 3/4 classes will be in the Thunder Dome from 10:00 - 11:00 am; with families invited from 10:15 - 10:45 AM. 
      • We look forward to seeing you there!

    • Families Helping Families
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.
      • Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:
        • Example: Harmony Pod Family G
                            6 Year old Girl #1

          All contributions will be due on or before as the presents will be picked on that date:

          Monday, December 16th, 2018

          In the spirit of giving this holiday season, all staff at Eric Harvie School would like to thank families in advance for their thoughts and contributions! Thank you for making a family’s Christmas a little brighter!!

          Please check off which items you are bringing in and focus on the children's needs on the list. 

          Thank you for your support,

          Eric Harvie School

    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Monday December 9, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day ... 
    • Today we learned about adjectives. In small groups, we looked for adjectives in different books and recorded them on chart paper using our five senses. 
    • In Writers' Workshop, we learned about how to write a cinquain poem. We got to choose our own topic. Some of us chose to write about our pets, family, friends, sports, food, animals etc. They are coming along beautifully! 
    • We did two rounds of Daily 5 today. We are continuing to build our stamina by reading to self, reading to someone, or working on writing the whole time.
    Ask me about ...
    how we are writing a cinquain poem. Let me share with you the descriptive words we used in our poems. 

    • Please continue to practice word work at home. Our first word work 'check-in' will be on December 18th. Each of the strategies will be introduced in class this week. 
    • Eric Harvie School Spirit Week: December 16-19

    • Green Fools Residency demonstration by students on Friday, December 13th. Families are invited to attend a class on Friday. There is a limit of two family members per student. 
      • Grade 3/4 classes will be in the Thunder Dome from 10:00 - 11:00 am; with families invited from 10:15 - 10:45 AM. 
      • We look forward to seeing you there!

    • Families Helping Families
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.
      • Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:
        • Example: Harmony Pod Family G
                            6 Year old Girl #1

          All contributions will be due on or before as the presents will be picked on that date:

          Monday, December 16th, 2018

          In the spirit of giving this holiday season, all staff at Eric Harvie School would like to thank families in advance for their thoughts and contributions! Thank you for making a family’s Christmas a little brighter!!

          Please check off which items you are bringing in and focus on the children's needs on the list. 

          Thank you for your support,

          Eric Harvie School

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day... 
    • Today we introduced another part of our word work program in small groups during our Daily 5 literacy time. This program focuses on recognizing word patterns and sounds in words. 
    • In Health, we answered a number of questions about friendships and described what makes a healthy and unhealthy friendship in our own words. 
    • Green Fools Residency taught us new skills using a variety of objects and how to juggle with more than one ball. We are enjoying it so far!
    • Today was the last day for our student teachers that have been working with us in our Pod for the past five weeks. They have been so helpful and taught us Math and Inquiry. We will miss them and wish them the very best in their journey! 
    Ask me about... 
    the word work program introduced during our Daily 5 literacy time and the word patterns we found  in our small groups. 

    • Tomorrow is a PD Day. There is no school. 
    • An email has been sent out from the Kindness Pod teachers regarding word work that will be practiced at home. The word lists were sent home today. Please read the email for more information. 
    • Families Helping Families 
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.
      • Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:

    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day... 
    • In Math, we worked on data collection and graphing. Our task was to graph the data collected from one of the stations in a bar graph with an appropriate title and labelling the x and y-axis. 
    • In Writer's Workshop, some of us learned about strong adjectives and listed examples. Others continued with the lesson yesterday on looking for verbs and adverbs within books in partners. 
    • Today was our last day for building our upcycling projects in groups! We are very excited to share our projects with our class! 
    Ask me about ... 
    the final touches we made on our upcycling project today. 

    • PD Day on Friday. There will be no school. 
    • Families Helping Families 
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.

      Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day:
    • During Daily 5 today some of us worked within our reading groups while others were building our stamina by reading to self, reading to someone, and working on writing. 
    • We worked on data collection using tallies with a number of hands-on stations such as physical activity, dice rolling, objects in the classroom etc. 
    • We learned about measurement by using a ruler to measure height and width of different objects in our classroom and this will help us with building our upcycling projects. 
    • In Writer's Workshop, we explored verbs and adverbs and brainstormed a variety of rich vocabulary that we can use in our writing. 
    Ask me about ... 
    verbs and adverbs and examples of each.

    • Students, please don't forget to bring your materials for your upcycling project tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day for building your structure! 
    • Families Helping Families 
      • We are calling on your kindness and generosity to help support families in need at Christmas. Eric Harvie School will be supporting twelve families in Calgary. Each pod has been assigned specific families to sponsor. The links for each pod’s Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet is listed below. Please note that each family has a separate tab in the Google Doc. Here is an example of the tabs you will see at the bottom of the page. Click next to the donated item to check it off.

    Please wrap and label all gifts/donations with this specific information:

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Learning Intentions for our Day...

    • We had some catch up time this morning. Some of us worked on finishing the rough copy of our poem about oranges, our Wondertime reflection, title page on poetry and the "Because of the Rabbit" friendship page in our visual journals. 
    • Green Fools Residency came to our school today and taught us how to juggle during Gym class. We had so much fun! 
    • We starting working on our 'upcycling' projects in groups today. They are coming along nicely! We will continue to build and design our projects tomorrow and Wednesday.

    Ask me about... 
    • the progress we made so far on our upcycling project today. Ask me what recycled materials we used, our design and what we accomplished so far. 


    • Students, please don't forget to bring materials for your upcycling project tomorrow! 
    • In Powerschool, a new assessment of the Language Arts intention has been posted. 
    • Families Helping Families: Please check out the links for each pod's Google Sheets sign-up gift tracking sheet attached to the blog post last week.