Learning intentions for our day...
- We did several rounds of Daily 5 today which allowed us to practice writing and reading.
- In Math we finished our Robot Stepper investigation. Our focus was on communicating our patterns clearly and looking deeply for patterns. Some of us even began exploring multiplication patterns! We also reviewed mathematical vocabulary (i.e.. less than, more than) through a Halloween activity.
- We categorized (or continued to categorize) pictures as examples or non-examples of natural resources in Inquiry today and justified our thinking. Mrs. Danchuk, Mrs. Zwack and Ms. Woo's classes began to refine their definition. Debates began as students considered our use of natural resources.
Ask me about...
the incredible costumes everyone wore today!
- Jacket Racket will continue to Wednesday Nov. 6th. Please send gently used winter wear including coats, mittens, scarves, hats, boots, etc. to school in a bag marked with the items and sizes inside. We appreciate your support of this much needed program!
- Tomorrow is a Professional Day so no school for students.
- Have a safe and wonderful time tonight! Happy Halloween! See you Monday!