Learning Intentions for the Day...
- We used our literacy times today to complete our written responses to the a chapter of Because of the Rabbit. We focussed on making predictions of what Emma will do next based on what we know of her actions in previous chapters. We also completed the rough copies of our paragraphs about our favorite parts of us. Using a pencil crayon, we edited for spelling, periods and capitals.
- In Math we reviewed the concepts of regrouping and representing numbers in words, standard and expanded form.
- In Inquiry we began to think about how we would represent the person we have researched through words and symbols. This work is also in preparation for our upcoming assembly.
- We continued our work identifying big, medium and small problems by classifying situations we might encounter every day.
Ask me...
if I had 3 hundreds, 13 tens and 6 ones what would my number be? Ask me to explain how I would figure this out. Can you write this number in words and expanded form?
- Glenbow Ranch field trip forms came home today. Please return them as soon as you can.
- Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump field trip forms came home Thursday. Please return them as soon as you can.
- Volunteers are needed for both of these trips! Please see links: Glenbow Ranch trip October 21 - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080d44afab28abf94-glenbow3 Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump trip October 24 - email was sent today with the link
- Kindness Peace Assembly October 25 at 11:00 am. We look forward to sharing our learning with you.
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