Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday November 7, 2019

Our Learning Intentions 

Today in Math we examined how a series of numbers increased and decreased.  We also extended these number patterns. 

In inquiry we examined whether nature needs/uses natural resources as humans do.   We also prepped for our trip to the coulee tomorrow.  We will become detectives as we gather evidence to answer the question:  "Does the land produce waste?"

During Daily 5 many of us finished personal responses to Remembrance Day while others met with our reading groups.  Some of us explored letter sounds while others began to explore literature appropriate for examining developing comprehension strategies.  Others of us read with teachers as part of our reading group work.

In Health, we sorted statements that reflect fixed and growth mindsets.  A display in our room will help us remember the importance of having 'elastic brains' as we continue to grow in our learning.

Ask Me About...

Let me tell you about some of the statements I can use to show a growth mindset.

  • A notice on the plant fundraiser was sent home today (Danchuk/Zwack)
  • Tomorrow we are going to the coulee.  Although it is to be warmer than today, students will need to be dressed warmly (hat, mitts, layered clothing, boots) as we are leaving first thing in the morning.  Also it will be icy and muddy so appropriate footwear is important!  A water bottle and snack is a great idea also!
  • Tomorrow is also our Remembrance Day Ceremony.  As part of this event, all students will be going outside for a very short period of time to sing a song by the Peace Poles.  It would be great if students wore long sleeves to help them keep warm during this short period of time.  
  • No school on Monday (Remembrance Day)

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