Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday February 28, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • Today was our last day of swimming at Shouldice Aquatic Centre. We all did amazing! Some of us even jumped off the diving board. 
  • In the morning some of us did an addition check-in sheet with questions and word problems for Math while others did a round of Read to Self. 
  • We did a gratitude circle to end our week together. 

Ask me about... 
the highlight of my week. Let me share with you what I am grateful for this week. 

  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way. The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020
  • Most students received an envelope today. Please check your child's backpack. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • Today was our fourth day of swimming and we are having loads of fun. Tomorrow is our last day of swimming. 
  • We had Ignite this morning and continued working in new stations. This week's handwriting letters are: p, w, u. We will be starting new letters next week. 
  • In Math, we continued working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. Next week we will be starting multiplication! 

Ask me about... 
what we did in Writers' Workshop today. Let me share with you what we talked about in our classes. 

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive. We have discussed what students will need to bring each day this week: towel, bathing suit, comb or brush, health easy to eat snack, hair elastics if hair is long, and a growth mindset!! Please also be on time for the morning and have a larger breakfast as snack will be later than we are used to!
  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way. The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wednesday February 26, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • Today was our third day of swimming at Shouldice Centre. Last day of swimming is on Friday. 
  • Today we did a few rounds of Daily 5. Some of us met with our reading groups and practicing helpful reading strategies in our groups. 
  • In Math, we continued to solve word problems on addition and subtraction with regrouping using the strategies we learned. 

Ask me about... 
what we did in math today. Let me share with you the strategy that I prefer using when solving math problems and is most efficient. 

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive. We have discussed what students will need to bring each day this week: towel, bathing suit, comb or brush, health easy to eat snack, hair elastics if hair is long, and a growth mindset!! Please also be on time for the morning and have a larger breakfast as snack will be later than we are used to!
  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way. The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday February 25, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • Today was our second day of swimming at Shouldice Pool. We are really enjoying it!
  • In Writers' Workshop, we created simple pictures of nature to describe the setting in a story. 
  • After lunch, we watched a video called "Pay It Forward" focusing on Pink Shirt Day. We learned that it is an act of kindness when someone does a good deed for you, instead of paying them back, pay it forward by doing a good deed for someone else. 

Ask me about... 
what we did in Writers' Workshop today. Let me share with you our drawing task.

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive. We have discussed what students will need to bring each day this week: towel, bathing suit, comb or brush, health easy to eat snack, hair elastics if hair is long, and a growth mindset!! Please also be on time for the morning and have a larger breakfast as snack will be later than we are used to! 
  • Tomorrow, Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day.  We hope to have our pod participate by wearing something pink or "pink-ish" to show support for reducing bullying. This year's theme is "Lift Each Other Up".
  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way. The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday February 24, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • Today we went to Shouldice Aquatic Centre for our first day of swimming. Swimming will continue for the rest of this week. 
  • We did two rounds of Daily 5 today and some of us met with our reading groups. 
  • The Grade 4s had French with Mr. Strand in the afternoon and the Grade 3s learned about personification and similes during Literacy.  
Ask me about... 
swimming lessons today. Let me share with you what I learned in my group.

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive. We have discussed what students will need to bring each day next week: towel, bathing suit, comb or brush, health easy to eat snack, hair elastics if hair is long, and a growth mindset!! Please also be on time for the morning and have a larger breakfast as snack will be later than we are used to! 
  • Next Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day.  We will be discussing this tomorrow with our students and hope to have our pod participating by wearing something pink or "pink-ish" to show support for reducing bullying.  This year's theme is "Lift Each Other Up".
  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way. The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday February 21, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day...

  • Today students applied their learning to create a story beginning on their own.  Much of our work prior to this was guided so it was great to see the enthusiasm and creativity students showed today!
  • In Math today we continue to explore addition with regrouping using number lines, estimation and math investigations.  We are thinking and communicating about our mathematical understanding and strategies.

Ask me about...   

Each Friday, we try to do a Gratitude Circle to end our week together.  Let me share what I was grateful for this week.

Reminders . . .

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive.  We have discussed what students will need to bring each day next week:  towel, bathing suit, comb or brush, healthy easy to eat snack, hair elastics if hair is long, and a growth mindset!!  Please also be on time for the morning and have a larger breakfast as snack will be later than we are used to!
  • Next Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day.  We will be discussing this tomorrow with our students and hope to have our pod participating by wearing something pink or "pink-ish" to show support for reducing bullying.  This year's theme is "Lift Each Other Up".
  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way. The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day...

  • All students have received new words for Word's Their Way today.  Please ask them to show you the words!  As well, we had the students record their lists in the correct categories so parents will know which words belong where!!  Have fun with your new word challenges.  The quiz on these words will be on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
  • Students learned the last of four Brilliant Story Beginnings today!  We have now covered:  dialogue, sound effect, strong action, and character's thoughts or questions.  We look forward to seeing how students apply this learning to their personal story writing.

Ask me about...   

How were you a good friend today?  What did you do to show someone kindness?

Reminders . . .

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive.  Thank you SO much to the volunteers who will be joining us for these days!  We have discussed what students will need to bring each day next week:  towel, bathing suit, comb or brush, healthy easy to eat snack, hair elastics if hair is long, and a growth mindset!!
  • Next Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day.  We will be discussing this tomorrow with our students and hope to have our pod participating by wearing something pink or "pink-ish" to show support for reducing bullying.  This year's theme is "Lift Each Other Up".

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday February 19, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day...

  • Book clubs are in full swing within Kindness Pod!  Book clubs were organized for targeted reading strategy instruction.
  • In Math, students are working through games and investigations while applying their addition strategies.  

Ask me about... 

which book I am reading in book club and what I think about this book so far.


  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive.  Thank you SO much to the volunteers who will be joining us for these days!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • It was a day of new things today - new Ignite stations!  New Inquiry groups!  New Math concepts!
  • Our new Ignite stations were introduced to us today.  We continue to work on handwriting, with the letters u, w and p being introduced.  We also have a variety of subtraction games that are helping to reinforce our mental math strategies for basic facts from 20.
  • We returned into our math groups we were working with for subtraction and began taking a closer look at addition.  We will be looking carefully at strategies for adding 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping as well as using addition and subtraction in problem solving situations over the 2 weeks.

Ask me about... 
which teachers I am working with during our Inquiry time and what we did today in our new groups.

  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive.  Thank you SO much to the volunteers who will be joining us for these days!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday February 12, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • The last two classes within our pod attended the second session of the "Who Do You Tell?" program today. 
  • This morning we had some catch up time to finish our math sheets and other work that needs to be completed. 
  • We did a few rounds of Daily 5 today and some of us met with our reading groups during Literacy. 
  • We exchanged Valentine day cards and did a gratitude circle at the end of the day. 

Ask me about... 
the best part of my week. Let me share with you what I really enjoyed in school this week.

  • Some students received a notice that went home today. Please check your child's backpack. 
  • Music notices regarding recorders can be handed in. 
  • Teacher's Convention is this Thursday, February 13th and Friday, February 14th. No school for students. 
  • Family Day is on Monday, February 17th. No school for students. Classes resume on Tuesday, February 18th 
  • Swimming dates for Kindness Pod: February 24-28 inclusive

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday February 11, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • We had our second Words Their Way check ins today during Literacy. Each teacher worked with groups while the rest of us did Daily 5 - Read to Self. 
  • In Math, we continued working with pictographs. Some of us challenged ourselves and worked with adding or subtracting larger numbers. 
  • In Writers' Workshop, we continued writing story beginnings using dialogue. 

Ask me about.... 
what we did in Math today. Let me share with you what a pictograph is and how we interpret them.

  • Music notices regarding recorders can be handed in. 
  • Please return swimming forms by Wednesday, February 12 so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool. 
  • Teacher's Convention is this Thursday, February 13th and Friday, February 14th. No school for students. 
  • Family Day is on Monday, February 17th. No school for students. Classes resume on Tuesday, February 18th. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday February 10, 2020

Learning Intentions for our Day... 
  • The Grade 4s had French today with Mr. Strand and the Grade 3s have Literacy. In Literacy, we continued talking about personification and shared some our sentences as a large group. We wrote a few sentences in our red journals. 
  • In Math, we started interpreting pictographs today. The teachers modelled an example as a class then we interpreted two other pictographs on our own. 
  • Two classes within our pod attended the second session of the "Who Do You Tell?" program today. 
Ask me about... 
what we did in French or Literacy today. I can share with you the activity we did in our grade group. 

  • Music notices regarding recorders can be handed in. 
  • Please return swimming forms by Wednesday so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool. 
  • Words Their Way lists were handed out on Thursday last week. Please be reviewing these at home. Check ins will take place tomorrow - Tuesday, February 11th. 
  • Teacher's Convention is this Thursday, February 13th and Friday, February 14th. No school for students. 
  • Family Day is on Monday, February 17th. No school for students. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday February 7, 2020

Learning intentions...

  • Grade 4s had a wonderful morning reconnecting with friends from Tuscany School.  Huge appreciations for the invitation and amazing time celebrating French culture to the staff, students and parent volunteers there.
  • Grade 3s spent the morning learning a new math game, drawing and having Daily 5.  

Ask me about...

the best part of my day.


  • Name lists for those students wishing to create Valentine's were sent home.
  • Music notices regarding recorders can be handed in.
  • Please return swimming forms as soon as possible so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool.
  • Words Their Way lists were handed out on Thursday of last week.  Please be reviewing these at home.  Check ins will take place on Tuesday February 11. 
  • Teachers Convention is next Thursday and Friday - no school for students
  • Monday February 17 is Family Day - no school for students

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thursday February 6, 2020

Learning intentions...

  • We interpreted bar graphs today in Math and reviewed strategies we used to solve our line plot interpretations.  
  • We examined how dialogue can be used to create interesting story beginnings and practiced creating some of our own.  We also brainstormed strong verbs we could use other than 'said'.  Let me tell you a few of my favourites!

Ask me about...

what we did in our inquiry groups today.  All grade 3 and 4s are examining Alberta's history through the lens of the industries, land and the machines that helped to shape our province.


  • Grade 4 students will be going to Tuscany School tomorrow for the Carnival as per the notice given earlier this week.  Please dress appropriately to be outside for the day.  
  • Music notices regarding recorders can be handed in.
  • Please return swimming forms as soon as possible so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool.
  • Words Their Way lists were handed out on Thursday of last week.  Please be reviewing these at home.  Check ins will take place on Tuesday February 11. 
  • Teachers Convention is next Thursday and Friday - no school for students
  • Monday February 17 is Family Day - no school for students

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday February 5, 2020

Learning intentions...

  • All classes have now had the first session of the "Who Do You Tell?" program.  Our final session will be next week.  
  • Today is Global Read Aloud day so we had a special guest reader in the gym this afternoon as we participated. 
  • We finished our line plot questions and played a variety of math games this afternoon.

Ask me about...

What has been your favourite part of Ticket to Curlew so far?  Can you provide a summary of this part of the book?


  • Young Writers' Conference - for those grade 4 students interested in being considered to attend this event, please return with student's reasoning for why they would like to attend by Thursday.
  • Music notices regarding recorders were given out today.
  • Please return all "Who Do You Tell?" forms as quickly as possible as the program started today for some classes. 
  • Please return swimming forms as soon as possible so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool.
  • Words Their Way lists were handed out on Thursday of last week.  Please be reviewing these at home.  Check ins will take place on Tuesday February 11. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesday February 4, 2020

Learning intentions...

  • Two classes within our pod attended the first session of the  "Who Do You Tell?" program today.
  • In Writer's Workshop we are focussing on developing strong story beginnings.  We have learned of 4 effective beginnings to 'hook' our readers including starting with dialogue, a question, an action or sound effect and have looked for these beginnings in the books we are reading during Daily 5.
  • In Math today, we compared, synthesized and interpreted data from the line plots we created yesterday as we answered a variety of questions.  

Ask me about...

What has been your favourite part of Ticket to Curlew so far?  Can you provide a summary of this part of the book?


  • Grade 4s were given 2 notices today!  
    • Young Writers' Conference - for those grade 4 students interested in being considered to attend this event, please return with student's reasoning for why they would like to attend by Thursday.
    • Notice about Friday's visit to Tuscany School's Winter Carnival.
  • Music notices regarding recorders were given out today.
  • Please return all "Who Do You Tell?" forms as quickly as possible as the program started today for some classes. 
  • Please return swimming forms as soon as possible so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool.
  • Words Their Way lists were handed out on Thursday of last week.  Please be reviewing these at home.  Check ins will take place on Tuesday February 11. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday February 3, 2020

Learning intentions...

  • In Ignite we have a variety of activities focussing on writing for this round.  Students have been creating Haiku poetry, retelling or creating stories using loose parts and are starting to learn handwriting beginning with the lower case 'I' and 'T' letters.
  • We are switching gears for the next couple of weeks in Math and began to focus on 'line plots' today.  Students learned what a line plot is and how it is used to display data.  They created some as well from data collected about our pod.  

Ask me about...

line plots!  What are they used for and how are they different than bar graphs?


  • Please return all "Who Do You Tell?" forms as quickly as possible as the program begins tomorrow for our Pod.  Many thanks for help with this.
  • Please return swimming forms as soon as possible so Mr. Der can begin to coordinate with the pool.
  • Words Their Way lists were handed out on Thursday of last week.  Please be reviewing these at home.  Check ins will take place on Tuesday February 11.