Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday June 26

School's Out for Summer!!!

Today's Updates: 

  • This is the last day of classes! See below for 3 important tasks on your final day. 
  • Report Cards went live yesterday on PowerSchool.  No paper copy will be sent home.
  • IPPs are available for pickup in the front entrance of the school.
  • Google Classrooms will close today at the end of the day.
  • Some of the students at EHS have coloured some incredible pictures.  We have put together this slide show to show you around the school with the animations from these drawings.  Way to go guys!  Just click this link  

Read Aloud: 

  • Return of CBE Loaned Technology 

    We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families. 

    If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times: 
    -Monday, June 22 to Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 
    -Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 
    -Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

    Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again! 

    Week at a Glance: 

    Today's Tasks:

    Task 1: Attend Gratitude Circle

    • Please join us  at 9:00 for our final Gratitude Circle for this school year!  Please note there is only one session offered.
    Mrs. Zwack's class will meet in kindnesszwack
    Mrs. Danchuk's class will meet in kindnessdanchuk
    Mr. Kelly/Mrs. McLean's class will meet in kindnesskellymclean
    Miss Woo's class will meet in kindnesswoo

    Task 2: Attend YouTube Live Assembly at 10:30

    Task 3: GRADE 4 ONLY Farewell Packages
    • come pick up farewell packages from the school between 11:30 and 12:45

    Have a wonderful summer!

    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Thursday June 25, 2020

    Thursday June 25, 2020

    Morning Message and Read Aloud: 

    Today's Updates: 

    • Please join us tomorrow at 9:00 for our final Gratitude Circle for this school year!  Please note there is only one session offered.
    Mrs. Zwack's class will meet in kindnesszwack
    Mrs. Danchuk's class will meet in kindnessdanchuk
    Mr. Kelly/Mrs. McLean's class will meet in kindnesskellymclean
    Miss Woo's class will meet in kindnesswoo

    • Report Cards are live today on PowerSchool.  No paper copy will be sent home.
    • IPPs are available for pickup in the front entrance of the school.
    • Google Classrooms will close Friday at the end of the day.
    • Return of CBE Loaned Technology 

    We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families. 

    If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times: 
    -Monday, June 22 to Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 
    -Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 
    -Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

    Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again! 

    Week at a Glance: 

    Today's Task 

    We hope you enjoy the Virtual Activity Day today.  Please click on the link below to access the list of activities and how to access them via Google Meet!

    Virtual Games Day

    Welcome to the Eric Harvie School Virtual Games Day! 
    The EHS Staff will be hosting several different activities through Google Meet. Have a read through your options and drop into the Meet room using the code listed below. 
    You are welcome to join any activity you like, regardless of which Pod you belong to.

    Sessions will begin at: 
    9:30am and 10:00am

    Here is the link to post on your blog:

    Have a wonderful day!

    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Wednesday June 24, 2020

    Morning Message: 

    Today's Updates: 

    • Return of CBE Loaned Technology 

    We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families. 

    If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times: 
    -Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 
    -Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 
    -Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

    Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again! 

    Week at a Glance: 

    To Do's for Today: 

    Task #1: Listen to Read-Aloud (about 10 minutes) 

    Because you are all 'Going Places!' with your many amazing skills and talents, enjoy this special book from Peter Reynolds today.  

    Task #2: Scavenger Hunt

    Today's "Year end celebration week" activity is a Community Scavenger Hunt where learners and families are able to get outside and explore their community to find clues and solve a mystery. Families are able to join in this optional task as they see fits for their family:
    • The clues will be posted on Wednesday morning and taken down later in the day on Thursday
    • It is easy for the family to join in together
    • There are three different maps for different ages that all point towards similar clues, Kindergarten & Grade 1 Clues, Grade 2 & 3 Clues and Grade 4 Clues.
    • We will share the solution to the puzzle during the whole school assembly on Friday.
    The instructions for the Community Scavenger Hunt for the three different levels can be found here:

    We hope your family enjoys this activity! Have a fun and safe time!

    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Tuesday June 23, 2020

    Happy Tuesday Everyone! 

    Morning Message: 

    Today's Updates: 
    • Return of CBE Loaned Technology 

    We are very thankful for the CBE setting up a system for loaning out technology to our families that needed a device to help make ongoing learning a little easier. As we approach the last weeks of the school year we will now need to safely receive all of these devices back from families. 

    If you have a CBE Chromebook or iPad that you borrowed during this time, we ask that you please return it at the Front Entry of our school during the following times: 
    -Monday, June 22 - Thursday, June 25 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 
    -Friday, June 26 between 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 
    -Monday, June 29 between 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

    Please ensure that you complete a Technology Return Slip when you drop off the device to ensure we know who has dropped it off. Thank you again! 

    • Please check out the activity for today below - Indigenous Story Telling with Saa'kokoto at 10:15 AM.
    Week at a Glance: 

    To Do's for Today: 

    Task #1: Listen to Read-Aloud (about 10 minutes) 
    Enjoy the read-aloud today!

    Task #2: Indigenous Story Telling with Saa'kokoto in Google Meet at 10:15 AM
    Please join us in Google Meet at 10:15 AM to attend the Indigenous Story Telling session with Saa'kokoto. 
    The nickname is: EHSgrade3and4

    Task #3: Uploading Artifacts in IRIS
    Please upload your:
    • Reading video sample and reflection 
    • Math Assignment - Which 3D Shape Doesn't Belong? 
    • Writer's Workshop story and reflection 

    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Good Morning and welcome to the last week of school! Wow! Where did the year go? It has been the craziest year I have had as a teacher.

    This week is going to be different. We will inviting you to join us in school wide activities. The blog will be posted earlier each day- 9:00 am instead of 12:00 pm. Checkout the week at a glance below.

    Morning Message: Filename

    Read aloud:

    I couldn't decide which story I wanted to share with you. So I decided to share both stories. The one above is my very favourite and the link below will take you a short animated feature about a hockey sweater (my second favourite book). I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    Task 1

    The first school wide activity:

    Invitation to Create a Time Capsule Memory

    We are going to create a digital time capsule of memories from students of Eric Harvie School.

    We will also share your work with the Glenbow Museum – they are also collecting memories from Calgarians. Check out their website at

    What to do:

    Create a ‘before the pandemic’/’after the pandemic’ drawing, story, video clip, photo essay or whatever creative way helps you describe something in your life that is different now that you are living through a pandemic than it was before.

    For example: how you play, school, family time, team sports, eating dinner, seeing your friends or grandparents, going on family walks, etc.

    When you are finished with your creation, take a photo or upload to the google doc folder on your Pod Blog. We will retrieve it from there and add it to the Time Capsule.

    Enjoy! We look forward to sharing your one-page or one-minute memories!

    Kindness Pod ‘Week at a Glance’ for June 22 – 26, 2020

     June 22
    June 23
    June 24
    June 25
    June 26
    9:00 am
    Blog Posted

    Time Capsule Activity

    Students can participate in this activity any time today. 

    Instructions for this activity will be included within our blog. 

    9:00 am
    Blog Posted

    10:15 am - Indigenous Story Telling with Saa’kokoto

    A link for this activity will be included within our blog. 
    9:00 am
    Blog Posted

    Community Scavenger Hunt

    Students can participate in this activity any time today. 

    Instructions for this activity will be included within our blog. 

    9:00 am
    Blog Posted

    9:30 am – 1st session
    10:00 – 2nd session
    Virtual Sports Day

    This will be a whole school event with students participating in 2 activity sessions of their choice during the times listed above. 

    Instructions for this activity will be included within our blog

    9:00 am
    Blog Posted

    9:00 - 9:45 AM - Pod Gratitude Circles

    10:30 AM - Whole school Assembly on Youtube Live

    11:30 - 12:45 - Gr 4 Farewell Pickup

    Instructions for these activities will be included within our blog.