Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30

Learning Intentions for our day...

Math - we continue to build our understanding of number and thinking flexibly about how numbers are similar and different.  We created a bank of mathematical language we can use to express our understanding verbally and in writing.  We used this to compare numbers today.

Literacy - we continue to build a sense of what makes a sentence and how we can link a group of sentences about a similar topic to create a paragraph. We did this by reflecting on the characteristics we want to work towards creating in ourselves. We also discussed the importance of practicing reading giant expression and fluency when we read to a partner during read to self.

We had an assembly for Orange Shirt Day today where we heard Phyllis' story of the orange shirt which was taken away when she entered a residential school.  We were reminded that 'every child matters' through her story whether you are a child or an adult.

Ask me about...

the characteristic that Terry Fox has and that I want to work towards creating in myself.  Let me share some of the details I discussed in my writing.


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