Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sept. 25

Tonight I'm supposed to think about "What is a legacy?"

Today we got to go to the Book Truck for the first time and take out a book. We continued to talk about what a "just right" book is. Here are some photos of students reading with their choices. 

We began to practice our "read to someone" skills for Daily 5. We only got to 50 seconds but our goal for tomorrow is 4 minutes. 

In Math we had our first "Number Talk," our goals are to be accurate, efficient and flexible when we're solving them. Today we focused on using the "making tens" strategy to be efficient when solving mental math questions.  We also played count to one hundred using base ten blocks. This showed us how to regroup when we got "ten ones" and traded them for a "ten rod".

As a continuation of our "Say Something" book we discussed Terry Fox's characteristics and how he used them to have a legacy. We then identified a characteristic that we have of Terry's and wrote about a time we exhibited that characteristic. Our goal was to write a few sentences explaining our thinking. 

- Dress for the changes in the weather this week 
- Terry Fox run is on Friday - dress for the weather, we are collecting "Toonies for Terry", pledge forms were sent home yesterday
- Orange Shirt Day is Monday Sept. 30

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