Monday, September 9, 2019

September 9, 2011


Question of the Day: Where is Maine?

We had a very busy day.

Today was the first our pod had P.E. with Mr. Der or had music with Mrs. Janelle

We continued to add tools to our Good Reader Tool Kit by sharing three different ways to read a book.

Good readers: 1) Read the Pictures
                        2) Read the Words
                        3) retell the Story
Mr. Kelly was very impressed when Yanni told the story of Where The Wild Things Are by reading the pictures.

We talked about the importance of predicting.

Liam said, Good readers “make predictions to help figure out what the story might be about.”

We started our book called, Because of the Rabbit by Cynthia Lord. The story takes place in Maine.

On the last night of summer, Emma tags along with her game warden father on a routine call. They're supposed to rescue a wild rabbit from a picket fence, but instead they find a little bunny. Emma convinces her father to bring him home for the night.

The main character, Emma, is experiencing mixed emotions about the first day of school.

We discussed what having mixed emotions feels like.

In math, we built numbers. Student were challenged to build numbers using base ten blocks and demonstrate their understanding by representing the number with simple illustrations.

In art, we started we continued exploring lines by painting lines in our visual journals. This will be a part of a project that will ask the question: What are my best qualities?

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