Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Today's Updates... 
  • New today: Let's try uploading a photo onto Iris and sharing it with your teacher! 
  • Read the blog every day but remember, we aren't commenting on the blog anymore, as it has been disabled! 
  • For now, please send all emails to your responsibility teacher only. Mr. Kelly and Ms. McLean's class should be emailing both teachers. 
To Do's for Today... 
  • Kindness students, please check your 'edu' school emails for responses from your teachers to the assignment you completed yesterday!
  • Watch the story at the following link:
  • Here's the link for Iris: You will need your CBE ID number and password to log in. 
  • After watching the story, you will need to: 
    1. Take a picture of a multiplication array found in your house using a device 
    2. Upload the picture on to Iris - instructions are provided below 
    3. In the comment box below the picture, write the multiplication sentence for your picture
    4. Share the picture with your responsibility teacher by clicking on "Share this Artifact with your teacher" and enter their email address 
  • Instructions on how to upload a file on to Iris: 

Feeling bored (additional activities if you choose)...