Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday April 22, 2020

Today's Updates:

  • Mr. Der has created a tech support file in google classroom to assist with using our online platforms.
  • Thank you for checking your teacher feedback! It is important you share this feedback with your parents. 
  • Challenges arise for families all the time – there is a wide spectrum of support available 24/7 for things any family might need at 2-1-1.
  • As part of our weekly routine, we will have a Gratitude Circle Google Meet every Friday. The times will be the same every week:  Friday at 10:00 - 10:30 am and 11:00 - 11:30 am.

    Wednesday's Morning Message:

To Do's For Today:

TASK #1:  Edward Tulane Read Aloud
Listen to the Edward Tulane Read Aloud and enjoy chapter 10.

TASK #2:  Writers' Workshop Google Meet
Attend a Writers' Workshop Google Meet today.  

Mrs. Zwack has emailed the students she is working with.  The details for their Google Meet are:
Zwack's Group 11:00-11:45 am       Google nickname: zwackwrites

All other students are to attend ONE of the following Google Meet sessions :
First Session: 11:00-45 am
Second Session: 1:15-2:00 pm

These students will be working with their responsibility/colour groups.  Google nicknames are as follows:
Danchuk (Red)/Zwack (Green) Group:  kindnessred
Woo (Blue)/McLean/Kelly (Yellow) Group: yellowmclean

For example, if you are in the Blue or Yellow group you would meet with Mrs. McLean and Ms. Woo (use 'yellowmclean"). If you are in the Red or Green group you would meet with Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Danchuk (use 'kindnessred').  

TASK #3:  Writer's Workshop Assignment
After attending your Writers' Workshop Google Meet today, check Google Classroom for a new Literacy assignment.

Optional Activities:

2) Music Blog: The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli

3) Improve your keyboard skills by visiting the website:

4)  Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day today!  Go outside and 'trace' shadows! Use either sidewalk chalk and a piece of cement, or a pencil and your visual journal.
  • Experiment with the shadows you create (e.g. objects, body poses, different accessories like your bike)!  Experiment with the time of day you trace the shadows!  
  • What do you notice about the shadows?  Do they stay the same or change throughout the day?  What parts of the objects are completely black in the shadow and what parts allow a little bit of light through?  Why?

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