Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday April 7, 2020


Today's Updates...

Please check here each day for a 'morning message' featured in this section.  Please watch it as a start to your 'school routine'.    There will be no new posts on Friday (Good Friday) or Monday (PD Day).  Enjoy the long weekend!

Thank you very much for the excellent work in your visual journals on your T chart and predictions.  We appreciate the effort that you have put into them.  

Reminder - We are presenting our blog at noon each day in order to allow for any updates or changes in information to be shared with families at this time.  Assignments are NOT due that day!! Our hope is that you are able to complete the work by noon the following day or soon thereafter.  We understand that everyone's schedule at home is different so please do not worry or push students past what they, and you, can manage on a given day.  If you require support with anything, please send your child's responsibility teacher an email and they will assist you.

Remember to BREATHE!!  You are doing great with something that is new for everyone and we appreciate you!

  • Today's Morning Message:  

To Do's For Today...

1.  Literacy:  30 minutes
  • Watch the morning message with Mrs. Zwack where we begin our new read aloud novel:  The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  
Next, open your visual journal to the next clean, new page.   Watch Mr Kelly's instructions and follow along:

When you have completed your target drawing and added your own title and the characters:  Edward Tulane, Abeline and Pellegrina, please take a close up photo of your page and upload to Iris to share with your responsibility teacher.

2.  Math:  
     Grade 3:  
30 minutes today to finish assignment from yesterday.  If you wish you could challenge yourself to try another number!           New posting on Wednesday.
A Review of Arrays
Learning Intention:        I can represent multiplication using arrays.
Materials Needed:
·     Math journal
·     Pencil
·     Eraser
·     Possible math manipulatives to help build arrays (ie. Cheerios, buttons, lego pieces of equal size)
1.   Watch the video here to review arrays:  https://youtu.be/7kKRP0Wli_Y
2.   Choose 1 of the following products below to work with today.  Remember to choose the appropriate number for your comfort level.  
a.   8
b.   12
c.    18
d.   24
e.   36
3.   In your math journal, draw as many different arrays as you can for the product you have chosen.  
4.   For each array, write a multiplication sentence and circle the groups within your array.
5.   Upload a photo of your work to IRIS and share with the teacher you have been working with in Math (Ms. Woo or Mrs. Danchuk) by the end of today if possible. 

 Grade 4:  30 minutes today.  New Posting tomorrow
Mental Math Strategies for Multiplication Facts – 7 times table
Learning Intention: 
· I can use mental math strategies to recall basic multiplication facts up to 9x9
Materials Needed: 
· Math journal  - including your multiplication table 
· Pencil and a pencil crayon
1. Watch the video here to learn about the 7 times table facts:

2. Write down the tip for multiplying by 7 in your black math journal.

3. In your math journal finish the 7 times table (the row and the column) or shade them with a pencil crayon if you have already filled it in.

 **You do not need to submit anything to your teacher today 

Here is a link to a video to help you practice your 7 Multiplication Facts!  Did you know that moving your body while you learn and saying the facts actually helps make connections in your brain?  We hope you have fun!!

Feeling bored???   (additional activities if you choose)...

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